Halloween is celebrated on 31st October all around the world, especially in the UK and the US. The origin of this festivity is Samhain, a tradition from the Celtic tribes, in which people protected their homes from the evil spirits by trying to frighten them away with scary decorations. In Colexio Abrente, last Friday we celebrated our own Halloween party where we dressed up as spooky creatures. As usual, we had two contests: the costume parade and the playback competition. We saw a lot of terrifying costumes:skeletons, zombies, evil clowns… Photos
but the winner was Carlos García Padín’s very original and terrifying costume, from 6th Primary. We had lots of fun with the playback competition in which we enjoyed very talented performances and we saw how our students believe in inclusion and cooperation. The prize went to a group of students from 3rd Secondary (Sara Chan, Andrea Cousido, Gabriel Fernández, Carla García, Zaira García, Carmen Naveiro, Sofía Piñeiro, Sheila Rodríguez, Julia Soutullo and Matías Vera). We also want to thank the students from 4th Secondary that presented and helped us with the organization and decorations: Paula Rodríguez, Lucía Pampín, Naroa Pérez and Uxía Troncoso. We hope you all enjoyed the party and have lots of fun trick or treating on Wednesday night! Happy Halloween!