Last June we went on a school trip to Ireland with some of the students of 6th Primary, 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Secondary. We visited Dublin city and made a trip to Northern Ireland. They had the opportunity to practice their English and discover new places and some of the Irish culture. Even though it took us a while to post the photos of the excursion here so that you can have a look at them. We had loads of fun, I hope you enjoy the photos!
No pasado mes de xuño fixemos unha saída cultural a Irlanda con algúns dos nenos de 6º EP, 1º, 2º e 3º ESO. Visitamos a cidade de Dublín e fixemos unha excursión dun día a Irlanda do Norte. Os rapaces aproveitaron para practicar o inglés e descubrir lugares novos e algo da cultura irlandesa. Aínda que vamos con retraso, deixamos as fotos da excursión aquí para que lles botedes un ollo. Nós pásamolo xenial, espero que vós disfrutedes das fotos!